Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I think my attitude is good. When i have situations in my life i try to react positive. The reason i stay positive is because i have to stop and think about the type of situations it is and the consequences behind it if i react with a negative attitude. For example even if I'm at the counseling on aging and I'm not getting paid for it. When the supervisor Mrs Annie ask me to do something that i may not want to do i stay positive. Why? Maybe after i graduate that could be a job there for me one day.

When I'm at my service learning place my attitude is always positive. I try to keep a positive attitude because having a negative one don't get anyone any where in life. No, I don't think that i need to approve my attitude at my work placement. I enjoy working at my internship so there no need to be negative about anything.

Most of the people i be around have a positive attitude. So i would have to say that if it wasn't for the people i hung around in the last two years I probably would of been quit school. They are the ones that most influenced me.

My experiences at my service learning place has been wonderful. I enjoy going and playing with the clients there. Over all, I think i have a good personality. I can get a Lil snappy at times, but the career i would like to pursue is nursing.
No, I don't think there will be a challenge for me. Why? Because I know the type of job i will be doing requires for me to be around alot of people. So I would have to keep a respectful and positive attitude. I look at how mrs. annie them have to stay positive when they have tough challenges.